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In contrast to EIA-485, RS-422/V.11 does not allow multiple drivers but only multiple receivers. It is widely used for attaching lower-speed peripheral ICs to processors and microcontrollers in short-distance, intra-board communication. More recent revisions of the PCIe standard provide hardware support for I/O virtualization. Frequently, these are advertised as discrete or dedicated graphics cards, emphasizing the distinction between these and integrated graphics. NVM Express (NVMe) もしくは Nvmhci (Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface) は、PCI Express (PCIe) を通じて、不揮発性ストレージメディアを接続するための論理デバイスインターフェースの規格であり、シリアルATAに代わる次世代の接続インターフェース規格である。2019年9…
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